
The President of Israel

The President of the State of Israel is the head of the State.

The position is largely an apolitical ceremonial figurehead role, with the real executive power lying in the hands of the Prime Minister.

The President is elected for a seven-year term by a majority of the Knesset, the Parliament. The President can be re-elected for only one more consecutive term. The President discharges state duties as prescribed by the Basic Law: President of the State, and other laws.

The President appoints senior state officials in positions of special importance and independence, including the State Comptroller, the Governor of the Bank of Israel, the President and Deputy-President of the Supreme Court, judges…..

The President accredits Israel's envoys to foreign countries and accepts the credentials of foreign diplomats serving in Israel. He signs every law enacted by the Knesset and treaties and agreements with foreign countries that have been ratified by the Knesset.

The President maintains constant contact with the Government through regular meetings with officials, weekly briefings on Government sessions, and receiving regular, comprehensive information from the various government agencies.

The President has exclusive power to pardon or commute the sentences of civilians and soldiers.

Because of the exalted status of his position, the President represents not only Israel but the entire Jewish people. As such, he assumes a lengthy series of duties and activities beyond those spelled out in law.

The President maintains contacts with Diaspora Jewish leaders and high-ranking visitors from overseas. He promotes cultural and educational activity in Israel and acts to enhance Jewish and Zionist education for Diaspora youth in order to encourage their immigration to Israel.

He works to resolve social and welfare problems as well as to advance weak strata of the population. The President tours the country extensively and maintains close relations with all segments of the population.

Additional information
List of Israeli Presidents

Basic Law: The President of the State

The Israeli Presidential conference

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